The HaCC plans for the Technician of the Future and welcomes new Senior Training Champion

June 29, 2022

Following the release of DISA’s Strategic Plan, which directs DISA entities to empower and cultivate an “innovative and diverse workforce,” the HaCC began planning for how we would realize this vision. Our push for empowering the workforce has been centered around the idea of a Technician of the Future. Recently, the HaCC’s Director, Sharon Woods, stated during a conversation with FCW, “the technician of the future has to be able to understand the full spectrum of technologies, even if they specialize in only one of them.”
The HaCC’s Action Plan established a Senior Training Champion responsible for creating a training framework to cultivate the Technician of the Future. We are excited to announce that Ms. Laura Blake has been selected as the HaCC’s first Senior Training Champion! Laura comes to this position from HaCC’s HC3 where she serves as the Branch Chief of Enterprise Services Support. Laura is passionate about helping others achieve their ‘why’ in leadership. Under Laura’s leadership, the HaCC will identify, offer, and sustain targeted training for cross-functional technicians of the future. Congratulations to Laura on her new position!
View Laura’s bio here