CaaS MVP success! 

May 2, 2022
DISA’s Hosting and Compute Center (HaCC) is excited to announce that the minimum viable product (MVP) for Containers as a Service (CaaS) was successfully completed in April 2022. Within six months, HaCCers conceived an idea for CaaS, installed and configured the hosting environment, and conducted end-to-end functionality testing.    

In November of 2021, the HaCC began building it’s CaaS MVP and containerized the Automated Time Attendance and Production System (ATAAPS) training web server. ATAAPS is a static web server that uses Linux dependencies which made it a strong candidate for containerization. It also has an unclassified URL and authenticates users through Common Access Card authentication - these MVP characteristics allowed HaCCers to test a full range of CaaS functions.  

The HaCC’s Acting Director Ms. Sharon Woods stated “I’m extremely excited about [CaaS] and I’m really proud of the team, because one of my mantras is that we need these micro successes where you are delivering minimum viable products from ideation to the delivery of an initial prototype in six months or less.” 

Following the success of the ATAAPS containerization, the HaCC is now operationalizing CaaS. Mission partners interested in joining our pilot waitlist can fill out the form on the Contact Us page.